Camp With Us
Welcome to our camp!
There are no dues or fees to camp with us, but we do encourage donations to help pay for expenses. We have a set amount of space that we are allotted by Black Rock City, so it's very important that we know how many people will be camping with us and how much space each group needs.
Anonymous Village is drug and alcohol-free, partaking in either is not permitted.
Our shared facilities include:
(Huge) Meeting Tent
12 Step Meetings throughout the day and night
Hospitality Tent (coffee and snacks 24/7)
Shaded camping area
Showers for AVers only (we do not provide solar shower bags)
Shame Shanty (tell your most embarrassing drinking/using stories and WIN A PRIZE!)
Burn Barrel
A safe-haven from drugs and alcohol at Burning Man
Please check our Meetings tab for our monthly business meeting.

After you have purchased your tickets, complete the placement request form.

Anonymous Village 2024
530-F Black Rock City, Nevada, USA
Your information is NEVER shared with 3rd parties.