
What kinds of 12-Step meetings are at Anonymous Village?

Any and all.  We host several large "Any A" meetings throughout the day for alcoholics and addicts. There are also fellowship specific meetings whether it is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, and any other fellowships that support one another's recovery while at Burning Man.   If you need an immediate meeting, chat with someone in the Village and start one meeting at ANY time that our communal meeting tent is available.

The on-playa meeting schedule will be available in August 2024.

On-playa in-person annual business meeting will be on Sunday, September 1, 2024 1PM.

Can I add a meeting to your Schedule?

Email us at to make this request. Even better, come to a business meeting to discuss your idea. ​

Anonymous Village Business Meeting
First Monday of each month
6pm Pacific Time
Zoom Meeting ID: 879 178 2782 
Password: 0924​

All fellowships participating are required to bring their own literature.
The Anonymous Village does not provide literature for any 12-step meetings, only the space to hold those meetings in.